
I just need to I will talk and talk ..may be I will be better after that..

Relationships need balance to be successful..

Friends and couples should create balance in their relationships to be successful..

When I send my friend a massage and ask for her/him..when I care..when I miss her /him…when I forgive a mistake..l should also be treated the same way by my friend..

When balance disappears from relations ..disappointment is the result..

You feel that you are lost..

You feel that your friend is just like a selfish child who wants his mother to take care of him because he is her gift from God..

You feel that your friend wants you to thank God that you are blessed of having him in your life..

Isn’t that a selfish person?

How can We make relationships with selfish people who want to take and do not want to give..

When you ask them why are they acting this way..they remind you of what you said before .

What did I say?

I said that I do everything for the sake of I should take care of my friend and expect nothing..

How silly..

Allah says ..

هَلْ جَزَاءُ الْإِحْسَانِ إِلَّا الْإِحْسَانُ
Is there any Reward for Good – other than Good?


This is called balance in relationships..

We are not created in this world to be a medicine..we are humans..we feel like others feel..we need care and love as they need care and love…

In this kind of relation you find that your friend is not only selfish but also has a great ego in his character..

Ego ..yes..Ego..

When you mistake should be punished several times for one mistake. ..

When your friend should forgive him and let go…

You should thank God several times if he did something Good for you..yes ..this is a great blessing …you should be grateful..oh my God…I should be grateful..

I do not need your friendships..I do not need to be a medicine in your life .I am a human being…who feels as you feel ..

That’s why I lost a lot of friends in the last few years..I feel better without them..they wasted my time and my health…their high ego made them treat me with no mercy…they revenge and revenge and revenge and their revenge has no end…

They will stop revenge in two cases..

The first when I leave their hands and go away..

The second when they hear about my death…


24 thoughts on “Balance..

  1. Imbalance in relationships is difficult. I’ll be honest, I tend to monitor my feelings and if I feel I’m more invested than the other person, I step back a bit and withdraw. Not entirely, but to the point that I feel there is balance again. Often the person doesn’t seem to notice and I realize that I was too invested. I don’t have much patience for those who call only with problems but are not there for me or at other times just to enjoy one another’s company.

    I’m sorry that you’re struggling with this, Sohair.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Chris..thanks a lot for the great comment..I know you are an expert in such things..I totally agree with regards⚘🙏

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We all do better, feel better, when people are kind to us. If “friends” are unkind, especially over and over, it doesn’t feel much like friendship. Here’s hoping you will feel better – and find true friends.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. HAha Sohair the World WiLL Be Such
    A Beautiful Place if We all Respect Each
    Other as Highest Saints of God Incarnate
    ALWaYS But True We Are Human We have
    Limits and not
    Will be
    And Fred
    And Xenia
    And Frank
    hAha.. i’ve come across literally
    Thousands of People in Interactions
    online and that makes Three of You who
    Puts Humanity First this way without fail
    and nah none of the others have any
    ‘real excuse’ as none of them work
    harder than me or you 24/7 now
    For All that Life Requires Dark
    thru Light but true
    they do have
    one excuse
    that is so true
    none of them are
    Us who See God in
    Every Human Being Worthy
    For Human Response without Fail
    True this is partly Innate of Human Spirit
    Born but more it is the foundation of Love and
    Grace in Balance that makes Will And Strength
    That Drives Love Most… We LiVE iN A ‘World’ WHeRe
    Mostly the reality.. no matter Church, State, or School,
    or Work This now is mostly the least of all worries where likes
    follows and shares just shoulder An Additional Money Burden of Rewards more
    than the Humanity of Human HeART that touches more.. my Mother Raised
    me/us never to believe anything is more important than Love yet sadly she
    restricted that Love to Only Her two Children as her Days on Earth counted
    Down.. and sadly so lost in Stress at Work for Decades i was not nearly as strong
    as You for when i had those responsibilities i had little left of Love then not even
    enough for my Lovely Wife at Home..
    i was Weaker and
    now i am
    Yes i made
    Money then ‘Big Time’
    so much but i made smaller
    Love of the Unconditional
    Variety enough that makes
    A Muscle of Love Olympic in
    Size of Quantity and Quality same..
    for me i will never judge anyone as much as Humanly possible
    for not being me for true i have not always been me now either..
    but of course it is always nice to Receive Love Back now too in
    Equal Balance of Return yet on the other Hand it is the Lover
    who Gives most in
    Pure Love
    who rises
    in the
    SKin they
    Wear of God
    there is no place
    Higher to Give and Share
    in LiGHT.. but so much harder
    when one is swamped in the Darkness
    that does often come ‘these days’ in Responsibilities
    We must meet to survive.. i for one believe you are amazing..
    Oh yeah.. and i will be adding another Church song soon to Youtube
    Singing ‘Center of my Life’ and while this Song is all about Worshipping
    A Man who teaches that Least is first in other words the one who is not worshipped
    Yet gives Love most is Greatest as Last is First in the Kingdom of Love like i described
    above that is an All Natural Reality of Human co-Experienced around the World
    for those who Self-Actualize Ascend and Transcend Where the Center of
    Life becomes Agape love to give and share to all where all Walls
    And Ceilings and Floors of Temples that are Mortar and Brick
    Fall Away where all that is left and right is the Pure
    Spirit of Love Within
    that is the
    The Greatest
    Force That Human
    Has ever described in
    Art as LiVInG LiGHT WiTHIN
    Surely worthy of a Greater Name
    than God Surely Greater than All
    Names for This God that is Love
    is beyond ALL Abstract
    but one will Feel and
    Sense (God) in a Dance
    or Song (God) is unmistakable
    And Real No matter What Form (God) comes in now…
    No Man or Woman No Thing is the Center of my Life but (Love)
    which just means i have more to give and share to others this
    is the Meaning and Purpose Holy and Sacred of Human Life this
    is the Capstone of the Pyramids in Egypt the Beauty The Wisdom Eye
    i for one ‘See’
    of Courage
    is Love
    that Breathes
    And Never Dies
    now ‘the Center of my Life’
    to Give and Share Holy and Sacred
    Free with no restraints now of smaller
    loves or hates that fear away from Hope..
    i am only Human i must practice this Art of
    Love all WaKinG And Sleeping Hours to Keep the
    Greatest Gift to
    for true
    i could
    go back
    to Hell again
    Away from this
    place of Heaven too
    as God (Love) Will Surely
    Spit Us Out if We Do Not Do 100 Percent LoVE NoW..
    Smiles.. It’s A Beautiful World of FoRTuNE i LiVE iN That
    Provides this Avenue now so rare and Beautiful i realize how FoRTuNaTE i AM..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Dear Sohair i am doing Very Well and Life
    is Always Great with Dear FRiEnDS Like You
    Truly i was hoping to move out of my rather
    ‘Dead Locality’ to meet some folks
    who really wanted Human
    Interaction more
    than a life
    of Likes
    And Shares
    And Only Follows
    as that has become a metaphor
    for the Age We LiVE iN hehe i surprise
    with replies and some days it’s almost
    Like Replies are no longer part of the
    Human Species yet they are as that
    is only a DisEase of Humanity
    as People Look Down
    At Screens
    Miss HeART
    oF Life that’s Warm
    anyway pleased to
    be here my FRiEnD..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks again are not just a screen are a kind soul in my small world and a bliss of Allah..smiles my dear friend 😊⚘⚘⚘

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Smiles Sohair as much as i Critique Aspects of Technology
    It was also definitely my Savior too as a Shut-in my
    Home for 66 Months there was no choice but
    to become an ‘Avatar’ online Organic
    as i could Possibly Make
    Words into Feelings
    And Senses as
    my Reality
    in Flesh
    And Blood
    Was A Misery
    And Suffering
    too much to ever
    serve Justice to
    Put into Words…
    Yes in this way Online
    likely saved.. my Life
    i surely don’t mind the
    Nerds and Geeks in this
    World who helped to Save my Soul too..
    Everyone a Part of God My FRiEnD and even online too..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh wow, this hits the center of my soul very sharply and deeply, Sohair. What you have written speaks to me very poignantly, directly and honestly. Of course, I have been disappointed in relationships ~ none too few ~ but after reading what you’ve written I find I must ask myself, “Am I truly a friend, brother, companion, soul mate … or do I fall far short because I tend to be self-centered, self-interested and, thus, blind to the needs and desires of those closest to me?” What you have written is so true … but it convicts me. How often have I only sought for someone to be little more than medicine in my life … salve for my wounds … fulfillment for my own emptiness, all without offering anything much in return??? Wow! God forgive me, change me, and let me live the remainder of my life in true love, generosity, kindness, understanding and peace. Thank you so much for your precious words! God bless you!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. God bless you too dear friend….I am happy to know that my words touched you…Best wishes and best regards 💕😊⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘

    Liked by 1 person

  10. And with a great light God shows us where our pain is. Those who we react to are exposing our fears to show us we are not happy when we are treated in a certain way.
    This is done with a great love so that we can discover why we hold these fears and once we understand them we will finally be set free of a cage that we had built around the emotions and pain of those fears.
    But this journey has great purpose so that we will, in that understanding, appreciate what we have endured to find our truth. Which is to find our love, the one love we had blocked all of our lives by those walls. And in that understanding to see that beauty that has been gently waiting within, that love we have searched for all of our lives, that happiness that we have always wanted, is that love we had blocked for so long…our love ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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