Empath 🌹

Have you ever met an empath?

For me..yes..once in my life☺

If you meet an empath person..be sure that you are lucky.

But what is an empath?

Everyone of us has two eyes.But an empath has three eyes.

His third eye is his great sensitivity.

An empath can read other people’s thoughts and is highly affected by their feelings.

An empath prefers to be alone because in parties and in the places where crowds of people are found he will be affected by other people’s feelings..passive or positive.

An empath will feel comfort in vast places where there are no many people , like farms or oceans…etc.

An empath can discover so easily the lies of those hypocrites.

If an empath develops what God granted him..he will have the power to cure people from their diseases.

Oh I will copy an article here about empath people for more explanation.The author is Lena Firestone.Enjoy☺

Has anyone ever told you that you are too sensitive or too emotional? Do you feel drained when you spend time around certain people? Can you tell when people aren’t telling you the whole truth? Do you feel anxious in crowds? When a friend of yours is feeling particularly happy or distressed do you find yourself feeling these same emotions? If your answers to these questions are yes, you might belong to a special group of people known as empaths.
What are Empaths?
Empaths are highly sensitive individuals, who have a keen ability to sense what people around them are thinking and feeling. Psychologists may use the term empath to describe a person that experiences a great deal of empathy, often to the point of taking on the pain of others at their own expense. However, the term empathcan also be used as a spiritual term, describing an individual with special, psychic abilities to sense the emotions and energies of others. This particular article will focus on the psychological aspects of being an empath.
There are many benefits of being an empath. On the bright side, empaths tend to be excellent friends. They are superb listeners. They consistently show up for friends in times of need. They are big-hearted and generous. Empaths also tend to be highly intuitive and emotionally intelligent.
However, some of the very qualities that make empaths such fantastic friends can be hard on the empaths themselves. Because empaths quite literally feel what their friends are going through, they can become overwhelmed by painful emotions, such as anxiety or anger. Empaths have a tendency to take on the problems of others as their own. It is often difficult for them to set boundaries for themselves and say no, even when too much is being asked of them.
Additionally, it is common for empaths to feel drained after spending time around people. Empaths are usually introverts, and they require a certain amount of alone time in order to recharge. A study from 2011 suggests there may be a link between highly empathic individuals and social anxiety. Crowds can feel particularly overwhelming to empaths, who are often highly sensitive to certain noises and incessant chatter. They often feel their best when they are surrounded by nature.
Am I An Empath?
Dr. Judith Orloff, author of The Empath’s Survival Guide, offers this short quiz to evaluate whether or not you are an empath:
Ask yourself:
  • Have I been labeled as “too emotional” or overly sensitive?
  • If a friend is distraught, do I start feeling it too?
  • Are my feelings easily hurt?
  • Am I emotionally drained by crowds, require time alone to revive?
  • Do my nerves get frayed by noise, smells, or excessive talk?
  • Do I prefer taking my own car places so that I can leave when I please?
  • Do I overeat to cope with emotional stress?
  • Am I afraid of becoming engulfed by intimate relationships?
According to Dr. Orloff, “If you answer ‘yes’ to 1-3 of these questions, you’re at least part empath. Responding ‘yes’ to more than 3 indicates that you’ve found your emotional type.”
“Recognizing that you’re an empath is the first step in taking charge of your emotions instead of constantly drowning in them,” Dr. Orloff says. Once you begin to understand your empathic nature, you can learn to take better care of yourself emotionally.
How to Manage Your Empathy Without Getting Drained
Set Healthy Boundaries
Being naturally caring and concerned for others, empaths have a hard time saying “no.” This can lead to problems as you overcommit and drain yourself emotionally. Dr. Orloff suggests, “Control how much time you spend listening to stressful people, and learn to say ‘no.’ Set clear limits and boundaries with people, nicely cutting them off at the pass if they get critical or mean. Remember, ‘no’ is a complete sentence.”
Practice Mindfulness
Because empaths tend to get caught up in what is going on around them, it is particularly important for them to set aside time to tune in. Practicing mindfulness can help you reconnect to yourself. Focusing on your breath, for insistence, quiets the mind and centers you in your body. It can be helpful in meditation to practice “non-identification” with others, try to see yourself and your emotions as separate from anyone else’s.
Ignore Your Inner Critic
The Critical Inner Voice is like a nasty coach that lives inside our heads, waiting for any opportunity to criticize us. Empaths, being sensitive, are vulnerable to these self-critical thoughts. They may think things like, “Why do you feel so much all the time? What’s wrong with you?” or “You’re just too sensitive.” However, it is important not to believe these self-attacks or act on your inner critic’s bad advice. You can read about how to overcome your inner critic here.
Practice Self-Compassion
While it is easy for empaths to feel compassion for others, it is often difficult for them to feel compassion for themselves. Self-compassion is the simple (yet challenging) practice of treating yourself like a friend. It is called a practice because it is something that you get better at over time. According to Dr. Kristen Neff, there are three components to practicing self-compassion:
1) Acknowledge and notice your suffering.
2) Be kind and caring in response to suffering.
3) Remember that imperfection is part of the human experience and something we all share.
You can find self-compassion exercises on Dr. Kristen Neff’s website.
Spend Time in Nature
Nature has wonderful healing effects for all humans, but particularly for empaths. Essayist John Burroughs said, “I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.” Because empaths are highly sensitive to the people (as well as noises and environments) around them, time in nature is the optimal way for them to relax and recharge. Whether you live somewhere that allows you to walk on the beach, hike through the woods or sit in a park, it is important to make time to rejuvenate in a beautiful, natural setting, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed or emotionally depleted.
At the end of the day, it is important to recognize both the blessings and challenges of being an empath. In a world where so many people struggle to identify and express emotions, empathy can seem like a superpower. Embrace yours!


21 thoughts on “Empath 🌹

  1. Well, I am most definitely an empath… Noticed it from childhood, but luckily didn’t get too much criticised for it then, as a little girl. But as an adult…!
    It became a Blessing because it turned me from childhood to spontaneous spirituality, beyond the limiting dogmas of the religion I grew up in; and after that, beyond the limiting dogmas of all religions. The God I live constantly with – and even within – is LOVE, infinite, unconditional, powerful, delightful, transforming LOVE, and S/he doesn’t condemn anybody for ever, S/he always helps everyone evolve, over as many lifetimes as will be necessary for each one to become again also that all-embracing LOVE and in that way heal this planet and those who live on it… 💜
    So, true Spiritual Life can be the very best Help for this kind of human beings, the empaths, to stay healthy and well-balanced: they remain a sponge, but of the Divine Love they live in, and then they can at the same time pour it out on others without any risk of that Love being ever depleted and themselves drained!!! 😊

    Liked by 4 people

  2. A great add to my post.. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.. Highly appreciated dear friend 🌷💐

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great that you can sleep when the moon is full although you are an empath.
    Thank you so much dear sis.. Highly appreciated 🌷💐

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Smiles my Friend Sohair there is no difference
    Virtually between my pain and the pain of others..
    then… haha.. i made a Horrible Supervisor as there
    was no way i would ever be able to Fire someone then..
    i would do their job and my job first before i could ever
    do that.. smiles.. if someone were to literally nail me to a cross
    i would forgive them too.. smiles.. according to story books at least
    i guess that puts me in good company but not really for if someone
    loves me i will give that love back even if i really shouldn’t and could
    face grave consequences by doing that too.. life is too precious to get
    Crucified my
    Friend as metaphor
    of course but reality
    when for 11 Years at
    work one should have said
    no but being the Person who
    will never say no as one can’t stand
    to feel another person’s Distress in help
    as your own Distress.. makes saying no
    practically impossible with Empath Soul…
    so.. my ‘reward’ for loving that way the Suicide Disease
    for 66 Months assessed as actually worse that Crucifixion
    Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia From Wake to sleep as the
    Stress the Stress of never saying no.. literally changed the
    myelin Sheafs of my Nerves into Dry toast and the rest of my
    Soul too.. ‘Draining’ is what ‘they’ name it and there are some days
    i still suffer with that.. however Dance and Song Regenerates me now
    back now without fail as i found the Cure to Empath Draining too my Friend..
    Moving Meditation or Stream of Consciousness Writing Meditation will actually
    regenerate more Gray Matter in the Brain every place but the Amygdala the place
    where anxiety reigns.. smiles my Friend.. my Light House Stays on now.. sure there
    are hours where it recedes some days and nights but the Dance and Song Expands
    my Soul Again
    back out Full
    to a Beacon
    of Dance
    And Song
    to Light my
    World and the World
    of others up there are few
    Gifts without Curse and few
    Curses that will not lead to
    Gift if one never ever gives up..
    smiles my Friend as always Life
    A Path of Dark toward Light where
    Dark may Keep us on the path and Destination of LoVE NOW..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So you are an empath Fred..
    I think I am half empath..
    Because my spiritual sense is high but at the same time I say no easily.. I don’t care what people of different views say about me.. But life taught me to stay away from useless arguments… Especially when talking about politics.. As long as arguments will change nothing.
    Thanks a lot Fred.
    Have a great evening in Florida 💐🌷smiles.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. SMiLes Sohair i have
    A lot Easier Time Saying
    No.. Now than Before.. but i still
    have much patience for the failings
    of others unless that failure Harms someone
    i Love.. and then all bets are off.. given just
    the ‘wrong’
    i’m sure Empaths
    Will Be ‘Deadly’ too
    in many more ways than
    one.. but still haha.. Katrina
    Kills the insects around here
    as i rather not Kill.. Harm.. or even
    offend if at all possible but certain
    Circumstances could Change all of that
    in just a Heart Beat too.. true too.. i am
    no longer the Man i Used to Be.. everything changes too..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I am an empath- and things are becoming more and more keen… like total strangers at the grocery store telling me their life stories. Sometimes I feel as if I can get inside a persons head to make them say things. I have dreams And weird out of body experiences… I wish I knew how to control it, and do it at will rather than random times. I would like to know how to strengthen these abilities, but also not come home exhausted and needing to vomit after being around a lot of people.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Reblogged this on © blogfactory and commented:
    At the end of the day, it is important to recognize both the blessings and challenges of being an empath. In a world where so many people struggle to identify and express emotions, empathy can seem like a superpower.


  9. I feel upset because the psychopath will never see the beauty in love, so I love them too. In the hope, they find the love they push away so much. Sometimes it hurts to love so if it is felt they push it away and become psychopathic. But that’s not to say they can’t find their way to empathy. As that is an empath’s job to help humans flick the switch from psychopathy to empathy its a sliding scale, a spectrum. Love Ian Scott Thrive On News


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