7 thoughts on “Teaching systems.

  1. Good Evening.. FriEnd SoHeir from over heAr
    iN A Morning State of Flowers iN Panhandle
    way over HeRE in the U S of A.. And this
    Video you share on our
    still antiquated systems
    of schooling children IS A bit
    of a deeper problem too as those who
    make rules STiLL for the Schools to operate
    are naturally rule makers and resistant to change..
    And sure.. we have A Vice-President who doesn’t believe
    in Evolution and both guys at the head of the class of political
    rule who don’t
    give Climate
    NoW A
    Grain as
    salt of attention
    as science proves it is
    a real thing without a doubt..
    Grades one through twelve for me
    were great as far as acing multiple choice
    tests and achieving rank 11 out of 381 students
    but it left me with no creative ability to express myself..
    no school of emotional and physical artful intelligence.. in otHeR
    words.. right brain desert school.. where analytical thinking was mostly
    math and algebra that’s good for solving the problem of a check book now..
    And that’s about it in the real world of living life out of school jail prison
    of sitting still and rotting behind a desk.. while a third of school age
    children are assessed these days in clinical studies with
    pre-type two diabetes.. a third of the adult population
    actually addicted to Opiates and Skyrocketing
    rates of Psychotropic Medications
    for Children who no longer
    even play in the
    Natural World
    glue tHeir eYes
    and all of what’s left of
    a body and mind that miGht
    otherwise be BaLanCinG in A Play
    after the ending bell of school.. yeS.. oN
    scream of brightly lit screen that has little
    to no MoVinG CoNnecTinG CreATing ways of liFe
    in the Face to Face World that includes grass and
    dirt too.. and trees and flowers and imagination more
    in developing the ability to critically think now other than
    what is data download brain.. in left brain thinking ways..
    Poverty of the hearT.. mY FriEnd.. PoVerTy of the SpiRiT that
    no longer NoW has the abiLiTy to say more than 140 characters
    of either oral verbal or Non-Verbal Language of Attention.. oF looK uP
    inTo my eYes and connect as being human.. yes.. hugs and handshakes of
    greeting left..failed as arms hung to concrete floor.. A Zombie Apocalypse NoW
    not only within desks of priSon schools.. yes.. designed to make humans nice little
    cogs fitting in with the machine of society that no longer even resembles what
    the rule makers had in mind as the video you share.. so nicely shows.. humans no
    longer even need apply for jobs unless it’s what’s left of Walmart and
    Health Care for all the Sick Humans out of MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG..
    Sure.. an epidemic of Zombies.. and a Brave New Experiment
    of Culture out of whack as the World of Capitalism
    is not human and a buck made and a human
    put out of work with a Robot
    Information Technology
    replacement is
    still a buck
    and that word
    that rhymes with buck
    about the rest of humanity..
    who is not in charge of the machines
    that replace the rest of humanity so far removed
    from what humans once did for thousands of years..
    pretty simple really.. forAge For Subsistence.. and Love
    each other hand in hand in a flesh and blood coopeRation
    that means life to Death.. LiVinG.. wHeRe every second was/is Hands
    and heARTs oN FuLL oF Holy and Sacred meaning and purpose as to live
    means toGeTheR holding hands in what we are evolved to be as Altruistic
    BeinGs.. hELping each other day to day.. second to second iN a Breath of life..
    it’s true.. one can’t reAlly much effectivELy fiGht
    city hall or the folks
    who vote city hall
    in as they insist
    on not changing
    and that is also part of
    Nature as science shows too
    among the sitters of us.. comfortable
    to safely sit inside desks and screens of life..
    but sure.. tHeRE are the Rovers leFt who invented the Internet..
    who moved outside the cave.. who look for greener meadows NoW
    and LiVe A Garden of Eden nOw.. iN otHeR words.. A Solution is iN the
    iNdividuaL AS The system is broke by those who refuse to change..
    Save yOUrsELf
    as ‘tHey’ say
    as rules
    no heArt
    and those who make
    them are the problem unto itself..
    AnyWay.. A short term individual solution if tHeRE
    is any long term solution ever in a hUmaN woRld STiLL TurNinG into a RoBoT..
    other than that.. Hello SOHEIR.. with much Love iN A World of Being Human..
    And over heAR
    Home Schooling
    is an option one can
    still do in the back yard
    and at the park at least avoiding
    type-two diabetes if one can unplug long enough to move..
    unlike Computers.. Human Tin Cans STiLL require Oil that moves..
    and nah.. not only side walks in repetitive ergonomic injury way..
    yeS iNvisible
    the way
    we used
    to escape predators
    and capture prey.. not
    a leaf moved and never
    a step in the same direction
    as leaves move and humans continue to fall..
    And.. oh yeah.. berries on bushes and fruit on trees
    requires a stretch of arms and a twist of torso more than
    and sitting still..
    We are both God and
    UniVerSE wHOle when we
    Swirl like Galaxies aS means to be..
    sure.. those Sufi Dervishes had/have a clue
    other than doing it the same way in uniSon
    as Stars
    Fire and Shine Free..
    wearing clothes now
    without them..
    BreatHing MoRE..
    LiVinG LiVinG NoW..:)

    Dedicated Effective Meditation
    is proven by science as 27% more
    Effective in Yoga way than Opiates..

    ONE CAN Internally in much greater PoTEnTiaL..
    God Given as HiGheR PoWer of Nature
    And HUman Nature sAMe turn off the
    Thalamus and bypass pain all together
    FREE and the otHeR examples of LooKinG
    witHin sAMe/DifFeREnt as the original
    Gnostic Jesus said to find the
    hiGher PoWeRs
    of God/NaTuRE
    tHeir are aLmost
    InFiniTE for those who SeeK
    and FiNd InNaTE.. InSTinCtual
    all INtuitive HUman Nature
    iNtelligenceS NoW as otHeR
    ReaLLy smARt Animals alREady
    Master to Heal themselves Free..

    It’ll never happen over heAR unTiL
    folks move out of books that help them
    still say.. it’s the work of the Devil or such non-sense as that..




    As alWays..
    Thanks for the
    insPiRaTioNs.. Dear.. SOHEIR.. wiTh Love..:)

    As FriEndshiP
    ExPreSsinG LeTTerS WiLL juST DO.. NoW2..;)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I found this so moving and powerful and full of important messages. We can change. We can making things better. I’ve seen other videos by this fellow (gosh, I can’t remember his name) but his message is always so profound, so real and so inspirational.
    Thank you for sharing this.
    Peace, Harlon

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good evening Fred my dear friend and bro!
    How have u been?
    I always enjoy ur talk.
    Thanks for ur precious comment
    Have a great day my friend with smiles always.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. sMiLes.. Good NiGht.. mY Dear FriEnd.. i’M
    GuesSinG iN Egypt for you by now.. and i am
    very happy that our talk makes you happy as inspired
    by what you give and share heAR.. And jusT back from
    HiKinG iN NaTuRe aLL Day..
    ReFresHinG thAT iS anD
    NeXt for Public
    Free Style
    WiTh some
    wRiTing to Go aLonG wiTh
    thaT StiLL Word Counting too
    aT 1,438,120 Long Form Personal
    Poetry Bible words since Memorial Day
    of 2016.. and StiLL eXSeeDinG 4 Million
    Words in Long Form Poem way iM what i aM
    wRiTinG heAR NoW pLuS iN 96th/767th MacroVerse
    way too.. along with eXceeding 7200 Miles of that Public
    Dance in the 44th Month of doing that WiTh Long Form Poem..
    Ocean wHole “SonG oF mY soUL”.. to go along with the
    sMaLLer close to 11 month effort of what i name
    as “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. per the 96th Macro
    Verse stARTinG NoW too.. heHe.. but that’s
    what i’Ve been DoinG.. How have i been..
    it’s all Heaven.. mY FriEnd.. sure.. A
    challenge but life’s like that
    too.. and i continue to
    hold you in my
    prayers for
    success iN your
    Graduate Studies.. NoW too..
    All the best my FriEnd.. alWays
    all the best to you and your children..
    family and friEnds too.. Hopes Like thaT
    for the rest of Creation Too as Equal pArtS
    oF goD whOle WiTh NeVeR SePaRatioN As BlanKet whOle..
    all is covered..
    aS Allah coVers…
    Essence God alWays
    ReAL HoLY WHOle.. mY FriEnd.. SOHEIR..:)

    Liked by 1 person

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